
  • Written by Dave

Teaching youth to live a happy and fulfilled life (part 2)

Be clear to your purpose

Defining a life purpose will take careful study and reflection. Coming up with a clear definition- one that can be consistent through life’s stages - can be tailored to the individual. Living a virtuous life, living with honor, compassion, generosity, kindness, openminded-ness, thoughtfulness and reflection are goals that can be worthy of pursuing, goals that will take effort and dedication to achieve. 

Everything that we do, every activity that we engage in should be in keeping with our intended life’s purpose. Defining our meaning and working toward that end should be inherent in every activity that we pursue. Understand that every moment you experience is only fleeting. Each experience should be savored and appreciated for what it is not just with the eyes but with all the senses. 

When we make a meal there is often many different ingredients that make the whole. Life can be viewed the same way- full of many unique flavours.  To really experience all that life has to offer will be to taste each experience not just with the tip of the tongue but with all the senses. Youth are taught the importance of understanding that this is the only time that they will be where they are now in time experiencing this moment. Each moment is unique and special. Success would be to live and experience life fully. To fully appreciate every moment, every breath and every feeling. Helping youth stay clear to their purpose will assist with defining meaning even when things are not moving forward like they expect. This quest is a life long and challenging pursuit.

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