
Consistent Inconsistencies

Strategies for Working with High Risk Youth

High risk youth can challenge the most experienced staff or parent. Dealing with inconsistencies is one of the most frustrating issues that face those working with this population. These inconsistencies can take the form of lies, lack of follow through, saying one thing and doing another and a variety of other deceptions. Our youth can be experts in manipulating events to their advantage often with less than ideal outcomes.

Recognition is the first step however without clear purpose we cannot develop strong working strategies. Helping the youth focus on thoughtful and reflective behaviours builds effectiveness. A population that may not have positive role models may need the power to figure out systems on their own.

As a guide/instructor/worker/parent we can assist the youth move towards the concept of making their own decisions and paying their own way. This freedom to become independent and self reliant empowers the youth with open minded characteristics. Expecting youth to use sound reasoning skills may be unrealistic if they do not first possess strong foundation skills.

This workshop delivers working tools, key questions and strategies for working with High risk youth. Challenging ourselves to be consistent models positive behaviors' to our youth and sets the stage for real and lasting growth.

Making Common Sense Common

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