
Building Effectiveness in Youth

Building Effectiveness in YouthCritical Thinking - a common sense approach

Thoughtful and Reflective Lecture

This part of the module introduces the concept of being thoughtful and reflective. "Thoughtful" should be communicated as "being full of thought" and "to think about EVERYTHING". Further points to reiterate this concept include:

  • Being considerate and caring for others. Having an outward looking focus. Thinking about how relationships to others and the world.
  • Questioning everything and see how the answers affect the situation.

"Reflective" means to "think seriously" and be "inward looking" in addition to being thoughtful. Additional points to be considered include:

- Mirroring or being mirrored.
- Having the ability to look at oneself and consider oneself in the light of the world.
- Seeing what is really there
- Examining the quality and truth of our thoughts.

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You can hire David to present the program or purchase the Curriculum. Just contact David Rossi for details.

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