
To have an open mind is to be thoughtful of other points of view

One of the inspiring teachings of Dave Rossi, what I have learned while taking the Employ!

Course is the power to control the outcome; fate is a product of our creation. Our actions, Body language and ability to look at things without connecting ourselves can shape our future. Employ! Has helped me clear the path to my goal and has also made me realize what I want to do in life. I would've never realized I want to create guitars and musical instruments for my career, sure I had talked about it with my buddies "hell yeah, that would be a sick job eh!" and all that, but it was just unrealistic from my point of view; an unachievable goal. In all reality, I was wrong, I can be whatever I want to be with determination and purpose my goal isn't some ethereal dream; it is closer than I think.

This course is more than just a course; it has opened my eyes to all possibilities and given me the confidence to be independent and self reliant.

Making Common Sense Common

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